Pravijo, da je v rock'n'rollu že bilo vse slišano, da se vse ponavlja in da ni več vznemirljiv. Pozabljajo, da energija, ki jo ustvari dobra r'n'r glasba nikoli ne usahne in da je ta tista, ki še vedno drži pokonci milijone fenov po vsem svetu.
Ravno ta energija poganja skupino The Sticky Licks, ki je v svoji zaenkrat kratki karieri že pokazala, da je njen nastop v živo močan adut in pravi balzam za občinstvo, lačno kvalitetne a hkrati neobremenjene glasbe. Prvi singel »No Money« je več ali manj nastal že v letu 2009 in vsebuje sestavine radijskega hita. Pred vrati je tudi prvi istoimenski EP, ki obeta vse to, kar The Sticky Licks so- petčlanska zasedba, ki združuje lastno kreativnost in norčavost v kombinaciji z velikim spoštovanjem do kreacij velikanov iz preteklosti.
Some say that rock'n'roll music can not offer anything fresh, not heard before, that it has lost it's grip. They have forgotten that the energy created by good r'n'r never wears off and it still fascinates millions of fans all over the world. It's the same raw power that engines The Sticky Licks, a band which has in it's short career path shown, that his live act is a strong asset and a real balm for all the audience whos hungry for quality but unweighted music. First singel "No Money" was more or less created back in 2009 and contains the ingredients of a radio hit. First EP is on it's way and promises what The Sticky Licks really are- a five-member band that combines it's own creativity and silliness with a huge respect for music of the giants from the past.
Official Video: Things to Share
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