Ta sobota, 01 feb, 2025 | 21:00
S04E05 - FILIP MOTOVUNSKI (Bad Taste, Jungle Cakes, Subtitles)
Medtem ko zvezde na osončju BETA počasi izgubljajo maso, oddajajo delce, ki bi lahko razjedali atmosfero in magnetno polje v katerem se lahko vpelje silnice, ki imajo v vsaki točki prostora smer tangente na smer magnetnega polja. Za razliko od silnic električnega polja, ki imajo svoj izvor v pozitivnem naboju in ponor v negativnem naboju, so silnice magnetnega polja zaključene zanke (izjemoma lahko potekajo iz neskončnosti v neskončnost). Zato se reče, da je magnetno polje brezizvirno. Izjava o brezizvirnosti polja je enakovredna matematičnemu pogoju, da je v vsaki točki prostora divergenca gostote magnetnega polja enaka nič, kar predstavlja eno od Maxwellovih enačb. To bi lahko ogrozilo obstoj BETA osončja, za katerega znanost še vedno trdi, da bi z enakimi parametri in gravitacijskimi navori, lahko bilo podobno našemu osončju.
// FILIP MOTOVUNSKI (Bad Taste, Jungle Cakes, Subtitles)
// USELESS D.I. (Boey Audio, 2/57 Recordings)
// TAC (LGM, Hedonistic Creativity, Mladinin oder)
Prispevek: 7 EUR
Filip Motovunski is a drum and bass/jungle/hip hop DJ and producer from Motovun, little town in Istria (Croatia). Involved in music since his early childhood as an MC and beatmaker in his rap band called “PCP”
Last year Filip became a part of Bad Taste Recordings with first Right Here/Lava VIP single with both label's and Filip’s first music video for Lava VIP. Next was Lion King Remix as Bad Taste Free download that shook the whole dnb network with including an article on leading electronic music sites such as UKF.com and EDM.com.
His latest official Bad Taste remix of popular reggae song “Belly of the Beast” by Hornsman Coyote & Jah Mason Music can be heard in dj sets of Bad Company, Ed Solo, Kursiva and many others. Check Out The Vibe EP, Combination and Get Some singles are some of many Bad Taste releases during 2018. End of 2018. Filip marked with the release of two tracks The Street and Burp on legendary Subtitles Music owned by DJ TeeBee that both got rinsed on BBC Radio 1 show by Rene LaVice and got uploads on leading Youtube channels like Skank & Bass and DNB Arena.
Filip enters 2019. with 3 official remixes for Benny Page, Kursiva Music, Aries, Rahmanee and N.O.H.A. band on labels like Red Light, Bad Taste and Born on Road.
In the last ten years he had more than 600 shows in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Italy, Serbia, Germany, South Africa and shared stage with many artists: Pendulum, Rahmanee, John B, RCola, Confusion, Kodin, Tekitoka, Logics, Banana Sound, Mc Yuri, MC Popay, Stillness, DJ Peers, Meniga, Jacky Murda, Billain, Daniel S, Danny Bwoy, JinSan, Kingston Sound, MRK1, Yesh, Rea, Roots in Session, Mc Mist, Bassinvaders, Tricky D, Friction, Kenny Ken, Eskman, Lion Dub, Jacky Murda, RCola, Mungos Hi Fi, King Shango soundsystem, 207, Swift, Safety Breaks, Pips, DMT, Yesh, Edo Maajka, Dirty Beats crew, Kandzija, Mc Big Oz, Gypsy Jungle and many others.
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