Ta sobota, 01 feb, 2025 | 21:00
Biografija (slo.)
Drones je štiričlanska punk rock skupina iz Camberleya. Band je nastal s skupno ljubeznijo do vsega kar je glasno, hitro in melodično. Kitarist/ vocalist Daly George, kitarist Rob King, basist James Kerr in bobnar Mitchell Thomas so se odločili, da bodo predstavili vso histerijo s socialno/političnimil komadi, ki spominjajo na Anti-Flag, Strike Anywhere in Rise Against.
Prepotovali so vso Veliko Britanijo in igrali na klubskih in prav tako festivalskih nastopih. Skupina je leta 2011 podpisala pogodbo z Lockjaw Records in izdala njihov prvi album 'Mutiny'.
Sledilo je nekaj turnej in BBC Radio1 Maida Vale nastop. Za tem je band izdal njihov drugi album, "the Free Marked Kid" EP.
Biography (ang.)
Drones is a four-piece punk rock band from Camberley. Formed by their love for all that is loud, fast and melodic, guitarist / vocalist Daly George, guitarist Rob King, bassist James Kerr and drummer Mitchell Thomas have set out to provide hysteria with socio-political tunes reminiscent of Anti-Flag, Strike Anywhere and Rise Against. Having travelled the country playing all venues from festivals to underground squats, the band signed to Lockjaw Records in 2011 to release their debut album 'Mutiny'. Several tours and a BBC Radio1 Maida Vale session later, the band have now released their second offering, the Free Marked Kid EP.
Daly George (@Daly_Drones) - Kitara / Vokal
Rob King (@Rob_Drones) - Kitara
James Kerr - Bass
Mitchell Thomas (@Mitchell_Drones) - Bobni
Support: Still Strangers (SI)
Predstavljajte si kemično spojino, v katero zmešamo 5 mladih nadobudnih pop/punk rockerjev, katerih načelo je: Band je vse, vse je band. Vsak vloži svoj del in nastane celota, ki je inovativna in polna energije. To je band Still Strangers, ki ga sestavlja 5 članov. Deluje v trenutni zasedbi od avgusta 2013. Kaj nastane ko fantje skupaj stopijo na oder? Ta postane “kraj zločina”. Poskrbijo, da si jih vsak zapomni, če ne druga vsaj po energiji ali sporočilu, ki ga dajejo: feel young, be free!
Inspiracijo iščejo v tujih bandih kot so: Pierce The Veil, All Time Low, Tonight alive, Green day, One Ok Rock ipd. Če vas zanima reakcija prej omenjene “kemične spojine” ko se združi z odrom in zlije s publiko, morate nujno na prvi naslednji koncert.
Imagine chemical concoction, in which we mix 5 young, upbeat musicians, with the saying: Band is everything, everything is band. Each one puts his own piece of themselves in it and what you get is exploding reaction. This is the band Still Strangers. Curent band works from august 2013. What happens when they all come together on the stage? An explosion of energy. You will remember them. If not by their energy, then after the messege they send out with each song.
Their inspiration comes from a lot of bends like: Pierce The Veil, All Time Low, Tonight alive, Green day, One Ok Rock etc. If you’re intersted to se that chemical concation turn in to chemical reaction, then wait no more. Come to see it for yourself.
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