Bloodshed Remains so nastal jeseni leta 2006 v malem avstrijskem kraju Ybbs, kjer so Chris, Woody, Harald in Ben začeli s prvimi produktivnimi vajami. Fantje so se spoznali v predhodnih bandih in prvi EP “Your Hymn To Annihilation” je nastal ekspresno. Prav tako je hitro nastal prvi video za komad “Three Stages”. Naslednji dve leti so koncertirali v Avstriji, Nemčiji in imeli enotedensko turnejo v Veliki Britaniji. V tem času so delali material za novo plato z imenom “What We Live For”, ki je bila izdana marca 2010. S tem LP-jem, so postavili temelje svojega glasbenega stila. Začeli so več koncertirat in si nabirat kilometrino. Ugotovili so, da je to kar delajo, cilj njihovega življenja in ustvarjanja. Leta 2011 so imeli turnejo v Južni Aziji in Avstraliji, ki je le povečala njihovo željo in ustvarjalnost na glasbenem področju. Njihov drugi album »Countdown« je njihov zadnji izdelek, ki je band potisnil v sam vrh avstrijske Hardcore scene. Ob izidu te druge plošče so imeli turnejo v Južni Afriki, ki je utrdila vezi v bandu in jih še bolj združila tako glasbeno kot prijateljsko. Po šestih letih ustvarjanja je band še bolj pripravljen in motiviran za širjenje glasbe in njihovih idej po vsem svetu!
BLIND ALLEY SIX je petčlanska Hardcore zasedba iz Avstrije. Nastali so jeseni leta 2010 in koncertirali z bandi kot so Cruel Hand, Betrayal, Bloodshed Remains, SpiderCrew, Hardened By Truth, In The Cage, LowLife, Make My Day, Trapped By The Ocean, Make A Change… Band povezuje prijateljstvo in koncertiranje, ki jim da vedno novo energijo. Njihov prvi EP “We Are We”, je izšel aprila 2012
Skupina je nastala leta 2009 in predstavila prvi EP ‘ Sailing the Vastness of Oceans ’ leta 2012. Drug EP z naslovom ‘ In Gloom ’ je bil predstavljen septembra 2013. Zdaj je skupina v procesu snemanja full lenght albuma. Skupina se ne omejuje stilsko, tako da lahko pričakujemo težko glasbo od punk rocka do death metala z obilico progresive. Vorvan so koncertirali s skupinami kot so Euglena , Cosmonauts Day , Vagiant, Napalm Death , Extreme Noise Terror, Desecration , Walls of Jericho etc .
Bloodshed Remains was formed in autumn 2006 in a small Austrian town called Ybbs, when Chris, Woody, Harald and Ben got together to start their first productive rehearsals. They have known each other from previous bands and soon the first EP “Your Hymn To Annihilation” was recorded. Also, the first video for the song “Three Stages” was shooted. The following two years they played several shows in Austria, Germany and made a one-week-tour through the UK. During that time they have been writing and working on their new record “What We Live For”, which got released in March 2010. With that LP, Bloodshed Remains started to define themselves and their music. They started to play more shows and experienced that this would be the life they wanted to live. The South-East-Asian and Australian-tour in March 2011 just made their passion grow for music and touring around the world. Getting back to their hometown they started to record their second full-length album. “Countdown” (Burnside Records) is their newest release and marks Bloodshed Remains as one of the most promising Hardcore-bands Austria has to offer these days. They did a release-tour for this record in South Africa which was a mind- blowing experience not just as musicians but also as friends. After 6 years of recording, playing, touring, Bloodshed Remains is more motivated than ever and ready on spreading their music and message all around the world!
BLIND ALLEY SIX is a five-piece Hardcore-Band from AUSTRIA/Styria/Wartberg/Mitterdorf. Founded in autumn 2010, B.A.S did a few shows with bands like Cruel Hand, Betrayal, and with our brothers in Bloodshed Remains (YCHC CREW RULEZ!!!), SpiderCrew, Hardened By Truth In The Cage,LowLife, Make My Day, Trapped By The Ocean, Make A Change,.... Very important things what keeps this band alive is the fun they have together on and in front of the stage and the belief in hardcore- (not only) music. Their first EP is called “We Are We” came out in April 2012.
The band was formed in 2009 and have presented first EP ‘ Sailing the Vastness of Oceans ’ in 2012 . Second record named ‘ In Gloom ’ EP was released in September 2013 . Now Vorvaň are in the process of recording a debut full – length album . Band’s music knows no bounds, Vorvaň mix different kinds of heavy music from punk rock to death metal and supplement it all with granules of progressiveness. During last year Vorvaň have had two Russian/CIS tours, made concerts with their mates Euglena , Cosmonauts Day , Vagiant , Backchat etc . and shared scene with Napalm Death , Extreme Noise Terror, Desecration , Walls of Jericho etc .
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