Ta petek, 10 jan, 2025 | 21:00
V sklopu projekta: KLUB 2012
Prvi v seriji treh koncertov v okviru festivala Godibodi, ki poteka istočasno tudi v Ljubljani. Skupina si je ime našla v fiziki. Nula Kelvina označuje najnižjo možno temperaturo v vesolju, ki meri -273 stopinj Celzija in je pravzaprav ne moremo nikoli doseči. Rečemo ji tudi absolutna ničla. Njihova glasba pripoveduje zgodbe v prostoru med intimnim in družbenim in se pogosto nepričakovano obrne v provokativno in duhovito smer. » Bog ve, pa še on ni prav ziher« pravi ena izmed njihovih pesmi.
From the series of projects: CLUB 2012
The first in the series of three concerts of the Godibodi Festival, simultaneously taking place in Ljubljana. The band found the name in physics. Zero Kelvin marks the lowest possible temperature in the Universe, measuring -273 degrees Celzius and actually can't be reached. We also call it the absolute zero. Their music tells stories of the space between the intimate and social and often unexpectedly turns to a provocative and humouros direction. »God knows, but even he's not sure« says one of their songs.
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