Ta sobota, 01 feb, 2025 | 21:00
Last Day Here ni konec, je le nov začetek. Tako se skupina izraža skozi svojo glasbo in za njih je vsak koncert enako pomemben kot bi bil zadnji, kar je v skladu z njihovim imenom, ki temelji na reku »živi vsak dan kot da je tvoj zadnji«. Rezultat je prepričljiv in močan nastop v živo, vsakič ko udarijo na odru.
Last Day Here je zgodba o petih individualcih, ki radi ustvarjajo glasbo. Skupina izstopa iz stereotipne perspektive modernega rocka. Dobro osnovani instrumentalni deli so začinjeni s presenetljivimi vokali, v katerih lahko uživajo vsi poslušalci. Njihova glasba je izrazita, avtentična in je posebej spoznavna zaradi vokalnih delov, kar velja tudi za njihove nastope v živo.
Njihov prvi album »From Pieces Created« je »groove« in »power« album 10 komadov in ujame pozornost. Njegova prva objava je prodrla v srce Evrope, tako da so igrali z nekaterimi velikimi imeni in na nekaj najboljših lokacijah. Za komad »Saved From Falling«, 1. del video trilogije, so posneli videospot, sledil je 2.del video »Hide«. Tretji in zadnji del trilogije bodo izdali v naslednjih mesecih.
fb event: http://www.facebook.com/events/162671840509420/
Trash za njihov odnos, candy za njihovo sladko glasbo. »Naša glasba je to, kar smo. Včasih uživamo v majhnih stvareh, včasih ne prenesemo velikih in o tem pišemo,« pravi skupina. Trash Candy so pred kratkim izdali svoj prvenec »What's your story?«, pred tem so izdali prvi singel »Dance«. Drugi singel in video za pesem »Once again« bodo izdali marca 2012. Sliši se, da so odraščali v skate punk sceni devetdesetih, a so razvili oseben zvok z vplivom skupin kot so The Swellers, Paramore, Foo Fighters, All time low, itd.
LastDayHere is not the end, it's just a new beginnning. That's how we guys express our music. For us every gig is as important as if it was the last, which is in accordance to the our name based on the saying "live every day as if it was your last". The result is a convincing and powerful live performance every time they hit the stage.
LastDayHere is a story about five individuals who love to create music. The band steps out of the stereotype perspective of modern rock. Well based instrumental parts are spiced up with amazing vocals, and can easily be enjoyed by even the most pretentious listener. Their music is outstanding, authentic and can especially be distinguished by its vocal parts, which is also true for their live performances.
The first album "From Pieces Created" is a 10-track, groove and power album. It catches the attention. The first release of LastDayHere's album "From Pieces Created" penetrated right into the heart of Europe, getting LastDayHere to play with some of the big names and in the some of the best venues. A video was shot for the track "Saved From Falling", part 1 in LastDayHere video trilogy, an unique story full of emotions and pain, followed by the 2nd piece of this story - the video for the track "Hide", the darkest places a soul can reach trying to find a way to the light. 3rd and last part of LastDayHere video trilogy is going to be released in the following months.
Trash for their additude, Candy for their sweet music. "Our music is who we are. Sometimes we enjoy the little things, sometimes we can't stand big ones!", says the band, "and we write about it!". Trash Candy recently released their debut album " What's your Story? " after the earlier release of their first single "Dance". The second single and video for the song "Once again" will be released in march 2012. You can hear that they grew up from the skate punk scene of the nineties, but evolved to a personal sound influenced by bands like The Swellers, Paramore, Foo fighters, All time low etc...
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