Zgodba se je začela leta 2003, koje Stefan Sieder, pevec/pisec besedil in multi instrumentalist napisal prvi komad. Leta 2009 so Contrails snemati svoj prvenec z naslovom »All That Glows«, ki ga bodo izdali 2012. Navdihnila jih je bossa nova poznih '60-tih in sodobni glasbeniki, in tako je glasba Contrailsov mešanica jazz elementov in vedrih pop melodij. Instrumenti na albumu so vsestranski: godala, flavte in zvončki tudi spremljajo komade.
The story started in 2003 when Stefan Sieder, singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, wrote the first songs. In 2009 Contrails started recording their debut album "All That Glows" which will be released in 2012. Inspired by bossa nova of the 1960s and today's artists, Contrails' music is a mixture of jazz elements and cheerful pop melodies. The album's instrumentation is versatile: strings, flutes and glockenspiel also accompany the songs. On stage, Contrails are 6-headed - with band and strings.
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