Ta sobota, 01 feb, 2025 | 21:00
To je projekt v okviru javnega poziva "PEKARNA IDEJ", ki ga je predlagala Lea Dvoršak.
Leta 2004 so Tadej Pomperger, Aleš Šmit in Matjaž Obran, ki je takrat igral bas, nalepili plakate po šentiljski občini z napisom »IŠČEMO BOBNARJA«. Plakat je takrat opazil bobnar iz Šentilja Alen Trnjanin in prosil prijatelja Marka Čuturila, naj gre z njim na avdicijo. Dobro so se ujeli, Marko je postal vokalist, po nekaj dnevih je nastalo tudi ime banda (Alen je nosil majico z napisom »pizzerija Cosa Nostra«). Po nekaj mesecih pridnega dela je Alena na bobnih nadomestil Matjaž, za bas pa je prijel Marko in tako je tudi ostalo. Band je koncertiral širom Slovenije, po Avstriji in Madžarski. V tem času sta nastala tudi dva videospota za komad »Sistem« in »Kurbin sine«. Tri leta pozneje je Aleš dobil hčerko in zaradi družinskih obveznosti zapustil band. Od takrat band deluje v trio zasedbi. Novembra 2011 se jim je pridruži Marko Branisel s še eno električno kitaro.
In 2004, Tadej Pomperger, Aleš Šmit and Matjaž Obran, playing bass at the time, put up posters in Šentilj area saying »LOOKING FOR A DRUMMER«. Alen Trnjanin noticed the poster and asked a friend, Marko Čuturil, to accompany him to the audition. They got along well, Marko became the vocalist, after a few days they also came up with a name for the band (Alen was wearing a »COSA NOSTRA« T-shirt). After a few months of hard work Matjaž replaced Alen on drums, Marko took the bass and so it remained. The band had concerts all over Slovenia, Austria and Hungary. In the meantime they made two music videos for songs »Sistem« and »Kurbin sine«. Three years later Aleš had a daughter and left the band due to family responsibilities. Since then the band plays as a trio. In November 2011 Marko Branisel joined them on the second electric guitar.
Štirje pubeci iz Maribora - različnih generacij in sorodnih duš, ki so se našli v bendu (prijatelji so seveda bili že prej) zaradi Ramonesov, KUD Idijotov, Goblinov, Clashov, Azre, Partibrejkersov,
Dead Kennedysov. Zaradi punka in rock and rolla z vsebino. Malo morgen šteje deset let. Največ znoja je padlo na cigle MB Pekarne in Metelkove. Kaj so poslušali in še poslušajo, vse to se vidi v njih, veje iz njih, okoli njih z žmahom mariborskih ulic in z dodatkom vsakega od nas štirih: Uroš, Nikola, Matej in Jadranko.
Four guys from Maribor – different generations and soulmates, who found themselves in one band (they were already friends before) because of Ramones, KUD Idijoti, Goblini, Clash, Azra, Partibrejkers and Dead Kennedys. Because of punk and rock and roll with contents. Malo Morgen have been playing for ten years. Mostly, sweat went into the bricks in Pekarna, Maribor and Metelkova, Ljubljana. Who they have listened to and are still listening to, blows from them, around them with the taste of Maribor streets and with the extra of every single one of them four: Uroš, Nikola, Matej and Jadranko.
Pigs parlament je 6-članska slovenska ska-punk-HC skupina iz Goriških brd. Začetki skupine segajo v leto 2004. Po dveh letih koncertiranja kot kvartet sta se jim pridružila še trobentač in vokalistka, z njima koncertirajo in ustvarjajo še danes. Skupina igra predvsem hitri punk rock z udarnim vokalom, ki ga spremljajo melodični spremljevalni vokali. V njihovih pesmih je zaznati tudi ska vplive, ki so podkrepljeni s trobento ter hardcore z ženskim vokalom. Za skupino je značilno, da se glavni vokali menjujejo iz pesmi v pesem.
Pigs Parlament is a 6 members slovenian ska-punk-HC band from Goriška Brda. The beginnings of the band go back to 2004. After two years of concerts as a quartet, the turmpet player and the female vocalist joined them and are still with them on stage today. The band plays mostly fast punk with a shock vocal, accompanied by melodic backvocals. In their songs ska influence can be felt, given emphasis by the trumpet and hard core female vocal. A characteristic of the band is that the lead vocals change from song to song.
Prvi nastop Gnilih duš sega v čas med božičem in novim letom 1979, prvo obdobje pa se je nadaljevalo skozi osemdeseta leta prejšnjega stoletja. Namesto tretji dan so Gnile duše po 28. letih vstali od mrtvih v letu 2011, in sicer na festivalih Ormoško poletje, Festivalu filma in vina Grossmann v Ljutomeru in Svoboda narodu v Dolenjskih toplicah, tokrat v pomlajeni zasedbi: Davorin Bešvir (vokal), Domen Obilčnik (kitara), Andrej Lesar (bas) in Kruno Karlovčec (bobni).
»Nočemo biti 'profesionalni državni zajebanti', ki pomirjajo množice z obračanjem resnice na humorno plat, nočemo biti puščavniki, ki jih nič ne zanima, razen naslednjega luninega mrka. Izkoristi, kar ti je dano in imel boš zaledje, ki ti ga nihče ne bo mogel podreti, pa četudi te z mrtvega partizana dinamit torbo trešči pod absolutno ničlo! Izrabi stvar, preden bo ona tebe! Samo od sebe nič ne nastane, razen tu in tam kako novo vesolje! Zato je treba vedno znova začeti s čim novim!«
The first stage appearance of Gnile Duše goes back to the time between Christmas and New Year in 1979, their first period continuing through the eighties of the past century. Instead of on the third day Gnile Duše have resurrected after 28 years in 2011, playing at festivals Ormoško poletje, Festival filma in vina Grossmann in Ljutomer, and Svoboda narodu in Dolenjske toplice, this time in a rejuvenated line-up: Davorin Bešvir (vocal), Domen Obilčnik (guitar), Andrej Lesar (bass) in Kruno Karlovčec (drums).
»We refuse to be »professional state fuckers« who want to calm the masses with twisting the truth to the humorous side, we don't want to be hermits, that don't care about anything, except the next lunar eclipse. Take what you're given and you will have a hinterland no one will be able to tear down, even if they hit you with a dead partisans dinamite bag at absolute zero! Use it, before it uses you! Nothing becomes of itself, except an occasional universe now and then! Therefore you always have to start with something new!«
Bend izhaja pretežno iz kranjske scene in v tej postavi obstaja od 2003. Imamo dva albuma( tretjega pripravljamo), dva uradna videospota, svojo glasbo smo posodili filmu Slovenka, za nami sta dve turneji po Balkanu in dve po zahodni Evropi. Oder smo si delili s Pankrti, Aktivno propagando, G. U. B., Konflikt, Lower class brats, Cockney rejects, ipd. Radi imamo punkrock, Oi!, streetpunk, ska in pivo, kar se pozna v naši muziki. Mi smo fest k' Drek u pest!
Our band principally comes from Kranj and is active in this line-up since 2003. We released two albums – and are working on the third, two official music videos, we contributed our music in the movie Slovenka, we had two concert tours accross the Balkans and two in western Europe. We shared the stage with Pankrti, Aktivna propaganda, G. U. B., Konflikt, Lower class brats, Cockney rejects, etc. We love punk rock, Oi!, street punk, ska and beer, which shows in our music. We are best as shit in the fist! (Drek u pest – Shit in the Fist).
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